Mom-n-Pop Shops
Throwing down some love for the locally owned.
Spiderweb the economy and keep it home grown.
And not the mega chains, from New York to LA.
My neighbor got a grant. Opportunity.
Emerging Small Business is community.
Who’s your local boutique? Craftsman or coffee-shop?
Support your local business – Mom and Pop Shop. (8x)
My local farmer friend grew some sugar snap peas.
It fed his whole family plus the city.
And then came a corporate man – “LET ME RIP UP YOUR LAND!”
I’ll build a shopping mall with the 10 biggest stores.
Wipe you all out and push you out the door.
Whatcha got so bring it on, our local stores are staying strong.
Whatcha got so bring it on, our local stores are staying strong.
Support your local business – Mom and Pop Shop. (8x)
– Written by Kevin Levy
This song protected under Copyright Law
© 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights reserved
Shhh! Here’s a secret lil video recording of us rehearsing this song and getting ready to record for the final version:
Mom and Pop Shop rehearsal
Love is Love
I met her at the park alone. Picking the blues on her banjo.
She sparked it up and I said hell no, the wind blew her hair and I started to glow.
My heart is like a half-read book. By chapter three I’m already hooked.
Two women in love, ohhh I dig your smile. Sharing our vows and walking the isle.
What a glorious union. Two strong and beautiful women.
What a glorious union. Two proud and beautiful men.
I’m in love. You’re in love. He’s in love. She’s in love. They’re in love. We’re in love.
Can’t we all agree that love is love is love.
I never thought that love’s a debate, from stale old men in different states,
Who tries to make laws that discriminate, their archaic beliefs are designed to hate.
Ohh congressmen, it’s not a mystery. You’ll be an ugly stain in our history.
Cause love is love no matter who it is, so get the fuck out of my life cause it’s none of your biz.
Ohhhhhhhh- It’s my life, it’s my right.
Ohhhhhhhh- It’s my life, it’s my right.
Im in love. You’re in love. He’s in love. She’s in love. They’re in love. We’re in love.
Can’t we all agree that love is love is love.
I’ll follow you like a feather in the breeze and the sun shines brighter during chapter three. There’s a flower growing in you
and a rose inside of me and I agree, I agree, that love is love is love.
Woah-ooo-who. Woah-ooo-whoooo. Woah-ooo-who. Woah-ooo-whoooo.
Woah-ooo-who. Woah-ooo-whoooo. Woah-ooo-who. Woah-ooo-whoooo
Can’t you feel it in your soul.
– Written by Kevin Levy
This song protected under Copyright Law
© 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights reserved
Climate Change
If your Senator doesn’t believe in climate change – It’s because he’s a corrupt politician bought out by the oil industries.
If your Governor doesn’t believe in climate change – It’s because owns HUGE amounts of stock in oil and gas and coal and fracking.
If our President doesn’t believe in climate change – It could only mean one thing.
Death! Death! Death!
If your Senator doesn’t believe in climate change… It’s because his education is limited to simple politics.
If your congressmen doesn’t believe in climate change – “Talking to a politician about science is like talking to a robot about love, You can train it what to say but it still doesn’t know what the hell it’s talking about.”
If our President doesn’t believe in climate change Then it could only mean one thing. Death! Death! Death! Death!
“I’m the oil industry and I control congress, if clean air laws happen I will lose my profits. I give millions to the GOP to protect me, the destruction of earth is not a concern to me.”
“I’m a politician bought out by dirty oil, if I accept climate change they’ll stop giving me money. Of course I’ll deny it with sincerity, I’m feeling kinda slimy but the oil industry loves me.”
Death! (Nasty cough)
– Written by Kevin Levy
This song protected under Copyright Law
© 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights reserved
You got elected with legal thievery. Manipulating district boundaries. We never wanted your policies, but you’re forcing us to drink your disease.
Journalists and media, You need to call them out as a failed politician. Cracking and packing, they only got elected because of… Gerrymandering. Gerrymandering. Gerrymandering. Political thievery for losers.
Hey Congressman. What?
Try to get elected in my district. YA, easy!
No, I mean without gerrymandering. Ohhhh!
Ya, I didn’t think so.
They Manipulated the districts! They Manipulated the boundaries! They Manipulated the votes! By not allowing the voters to choose them- but instead – they chose the voters. Let us repeat that… They’re not allowing the voters to choose them- but instead – he chooses the voters. That’s so shady. That’s so slimy. That’s discrimination. That’s just Bull-shit!
People in these districts please, you must confront your representative and ask them do you think that you can get – elected by the people without your Gerrymandering. Gerrymandering. Gerrymandering. Gerrymandering. Gerrymandering. Gerrymandering. Political thievery for losers. Political thievery for losers. Political thievery for losers.
– Written by Kevin Levy
This song protected under Copyright Law
© 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights reserved
Equal Pay for Equal Work
Equal Pay for Equal Work
Respect. Respect.
Equal pay for equal work. Equal pay for equal work. Equal pay for equal work. Equal pay for equal work. Hallelujah! Women sweat equally. Women think equally. Women work equally, they deserve equality. Yeahhhhhhh!!!
Respect! She is powerful, she is strength, show her full respect or get out of her damn way.
She is valuable, she is deserving, show her full respect or get out of her damn way.
Equal pay for equal work. Equal pay for equal work. Equal pay for equal work. Equal pay for equal work. Hallelujah! Women sweat equally – Women think equally – Women work equally and they deserve equality. Yeahhhhhhh!!!
Men of quality don’t fear equality.
The future is female. The future is female. The future is female. Hallelujah-Hallelujah-Hallelujah-Hallelujah!!
Written by Kevin Levy, on the day of the Women’s March 2017
© 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights reserved
Overworked and Underpaid
When I wake in the morning I just lay in bed and close my eyes. Cause my bones are so tired, I’m so tired I could hardly think.
Feed my kids, rush them off to school, pay for after-care, pay for nanny care.
Cause I know, I’ll be gone all day, I’ll be gone all night, just to make ends meet.
To Make Ends Meet.
I’m overworked and underpaid, 2 full-time jobs and not a livable wage.
I’m busting my ass, I can barely pay rent, I’m a sick-day away from living in a tent.
I’m overworked and underpaid ahhhhhhhhh
When I wake in the morning I just lay in bed and close my eyes.
Cause my bones are so tired, I’m so tired I could hardly think.
The cost of life keeps on rising up, it keeps rising up, every single year.
But my wage, oh it hasn’t changed no it hasn’t changed, a stagnant minimum wage.
I Can’t Make Ends Meet.
I’m overworked and underpaid, 2 full-time jobs and not a livable wage.
I keep busting my ass, I can barely pay rent, I’m a sick-day away from living in a tent.
I’m overworked and underpaid ahhhhhhhhh
I’m overworked and underpaid ahhhhhhhhh
I’m overworked and underpaid ahhhhhhhhh
Written by Kevin Levy and Bernard Mckenna
Words by Kevin Levy
© 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights reserved
Crenshaw (Intersectionality)
Keep speaking friend and here’s the mic, your voice will be heard and recognized.
Bravery is strong within your eyes. We’ve been struggling too long for something obviously right.
Obsidian, Amber and opal so bright, pearls for the jaded. Devotion towards the fight…and it’s a fight.
Crenshaw saw a spark in the sky, so kiss your bird and let her fly.
Intersectionality – We will honor your voice and identity. Intersectionality – The movement you seek must include me.
Oppression, living in society. Damn Girl, don’t let your fire freeze.
Ignorant. The ones who put you down. Passionless. The ones who stay down.
But I will never stay down, I will never stay down…no-no-no-no, I will never stay down…no-no-no-no,
I – will – never – stay – down!!!
Cause I’m a beautiful soul you see, and we are stronger with unity.
We will fight for more than being seen, for some common sense equality.
So speak up friend you have the right, your voice is heard and justified.
– Written by Kevin Levy
This song is protected under Copyright Law
© 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights Reserved
~Watch Revolution Choir during a backyard practice rehearsing parts to Crenshaw.
Love Conquers Hate
Love Conquers Hate
(Demo rehearsal)
Don’t you know that Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter. Yes they do.
We’ve got your back. L-G-B-T. L-G-B-T. L-G-B-T. We’ve got your back.
My sweet friend, Latinos are Lovely. Latinas are Lovely. Latinos are Lovely. Yes they are.
Dear Refugees, You’re peaceful people. You’re peaceful people. You’re peaceful people. Dear Refugees.
Love conquers hate, conquers hate, conquers hate, it always does.
Love conquers racism, conquers racism, conquers racism, love’s all you need.
It’s all you need. It’s all you need. Love’s all you need.
– Written by Kevin Levy
This song protected under Copyright Law
© 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights reserved
Greedy Politicians
Greedy Politicians
(Demo rehearsal)
Money money money money money money money
Money money money money money money money
Why oh why do our congressmen lie. Denying facts cause money makes them high.
Greedy politicians are what corrupt our Government, money in politics makes our senators lie.
Money money money money money money money – Give me more, give me more, give me more money.
money money money money money money money – Give me more, give me more, give me more money.
Why oh why do our congressmen lie. Denying facts cause money makes them high.
Greedy politicians are what corrupt our Government, money in politics makes our senators lie.
Money money money money money money money – Give me more, give me more, give me more money.
money money money money money money money – Give me more, give me more, give me more money.
Written by: Kevin Levy ( The very first song written of this project which led to the inspiration/creation of The Revolution Choir)
Copyright 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights Reserved
Authors Notes: When you take money out of politics, a politician will only have loyalty towards the American people and NOT towards those who have donated millions to help get them elected.
I understand that just because a politician accepts money from a special interest group does not automatically corrupt them. There are many great and trustworthy elected leaders. But it is worth noting that money can influence a legislature’s vote.
We must unite as one and vote for the American Anti-Corruption Act.
Get Up and Vote
Get Up and Vote
Hey Get up, Get up, Get up. GetupGetupGetup
Get up and vote now. Get yourself up and vote right now. (3x)
You can make a difference. Get yourself up and vote right now.
Hey! Hey!
Elections are an important day. So lets make it a Holiday.
As if your life depends….or you’ll get a shitty president.
The youth don’t vote and that needs to change, cause it affects your lives in every way.
That candidate with no SuperPAC’s? She’s got my vote cause she’s got my back.
Get up and vote now. Get yourself up and vote right now. (3x)
You can make a difference. Get yourself up and vote right now.
Hey! Hey!
5-star voting is what its about. Not familiar? Go check it out.
This 2-party system needs to change. So much hatred, both sides afraid.
Early voting should be a right, cause there’s such a thing as a busy life.
If you didn’t vote it’s like you lost your voice and now you’re stuck with someones bad choice.
I can vote by mail my friend then I can dance all night. Demand your representative do the Tango and get it right.
Paper! ballots! are the! KEY!
Why why why – Don’t you Vote.
Why why why why – Don’t you Vote.
Get up and vote now. Get yourself out and vote right now.
Why why why – Don’t you Vote.
Written by Kevin Levy
Copyright – Kevin Levy – 2018
Universal Health Care
(Song available upon request only)
No more health insurance bills. No more feeding that machine.
Put that shit behind you cause we finally see through your smokescreen.
The health insurance industry, needs your paychecks to stay alive.
So they bring chumps on your TV who are legally allowed to lie.
They influence politicians, and force them to vote their way,
or they’ll lose out on those millions that got them elected today.
We! Demand! Your! Respect!!
If you new the truth we would all be unified.
No more health insurance bills. No more feeding that machine.
Why don’t you take up a new hobby and make the planet green.
Prevention should be our priority, but there’s no profit in that.
We’re the laughing stock of the world who still hasn’t figured it out.
It’s Democrat vs. Republican, and that’s the problem you see,
Your personal health comes second, behind this trillion dollar industry.
We! Demand! Your! Respect!!
If you new the truth we would all be unified.
We all want it, “we want it” right now. We all want it, “we want it” right now.
We all want it, “we want it” right now. We all want it, “we want it” right now.
We want it! We Want it! We want it! Right now. We all want it, we want it, we want it, right now.
– Written by Kevin Levy
This song protected under Copyright Law
© 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights reserved
Universal Health Care is the future of health care. Progressive health care. Yet certain politicians want a regressive health care system from the past. They will try and manipulate you with TV commercials to have you believe that paying your hard earned money into a billion-dollar insurance industry is a good thing.
The Health insurance industry understands that Universal Health Care means an end to their profits. So what can they do? They spend millions in the political arena to influence Congress to vote in their favor, and guess what… IT ABSOLUTELY WORKS!
Money in politics shapes our policies regardless if it is in the best interest of the American people.
DEMAND Universal health Care.
Income Inequality
You like to work us to the bone to get your multi-million dollar home…while you pay us a junk salary.
But this company we’re helping you to sustain…its making you a billionaire while its keeping us a thousandaire.
You know I… I created that website for your company, and without my spouse, your phone would just keep on ringing with no business coming in.
Ya know, my son, he helped to build your warehouse from the ground up, just so you can slap your name on it and call it your accomplishment.
You didn’t get rich by yourself… So share the wealth. ohh share the wealth.
You didn’t get rich by yourself… So share the wealth. ohh share the wealth.
It’s income – inequality, it’s inequality.
Your greed – is stronger then – your compassion.
It’s income – inequality, inequality.
And it’s not right.
Yes, It was YOUR brilliant idea that started this company and YOUR talent that made it successful. Congratulations. You deserve wealth and prosperity. You really do!
But just know, it is us which is allowing to make your board members another $14 million in stock options… each, and you just gave yourself a $32-million dollar Christmas bonus. (Thanks for the holiday card)
And then I… I find out that YOU pay less friggin taxes then I do. And your corporation doesn’t pay any taxes at all. Seriously?
The very first step to rid this problem is to have EDUCATIONAL EQUALITY!!!
You all understand that Billionaires want smaller government for the same reason criminals want fewer cops.
You didn’t get rich by yourself… So share the wealth. ohh share the wealth.
You didn’t get rich by yourself… So share the wealth. ohh share the wealth.
It’s income inequality, inequality.
And when I spoke out, you fired me (you fired me), you fired me (you fired me)
And when I fought back, you fired my wife (you fired my wife), you fired my son (you fired my son).
And when I found out, I nearly cried (I nearly cried) , oh yes I cried (Oh yes I cried).
– Written by Kevin Levy
This song protected under Copyright Law
© 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights reserved
Money In Politics
The only way that the rich and the powerful can control the masses is division,
It’s their vision and their mission, united is our vote and that’s why THEY want division.
It’s Republican vs. Democrat vs. Green party after that – Liberals at Tea parties and Independents with facts.
Mixing politics with cash, there’s no apologies for that, they can deny it all they want but the corruption follows back
Spending billions on commercials and hurtful social media lies, and those who do not fact-check will always comply
Separating our collective voice – keeping us from a united vote, they divide divide divide!
Now with our votes split? it’s hopeless,
the powerful pass laws that are about as good for the people as giving us a glass`a goat’s piss
on New Years Eve as the ball drops to toast with.
The powerful know the uneducated are the easier controlled
so they dumb down America and prevent FREE COLLEGE from taking hold
hoping to keep you uneducated so when it’s time to fight back your spirit will fold.
But really Republicans and Democrats, all want the same things in life…. IMAGINE THAT??
To be happy and healthy in fact, with safety while on an economically prosperous track, IMAGINE THAT!!
But as long as cash flow through politics is legal,
to buy out politicians, entire political parties and judges deceitful
, this movie we call life will never have a sequel –
the rich will keep getting richer and the poor will stay poor and it’s evil.
The politician is loyal to whoever spent millions and funded the campaign
OF COURSE it influences their policies, they’re all behind closed doors drinking champagne-
do you think they’ll vote against those same people that put all that money under their damn name??
NO!! Because if a candidate needs SuperPACS and Billionaires to back them
then we will know where their loyalty lies and how their policies will be enacted.
Only vote for a candidate who is 100% funded by the American people, you see.
Only vote for a candidate who is 100% funded by the American people for that is where their loyalty will be.
So, who owns Congress?
Dirty Oil companies drilling and killing the earth and it’s tectonic plates, Pharmaceutical greed skyrockets the price of your fate.
$600 for their medicine that only costs $2 dollars to make.
Bank CEO’s who might as well wear masks, carry guns and force people on the floor just to get paid.
A Health Insurance industry who’s funds come from customers not patients, they conspire with doctors to hide cures that they make.
The Gun industry’s main goal is to make billions in profits – and common sense gun laws are bad for profit.
No one is ever gonna take your guns away. That’s just a corrupted politicians manipulation of your brain. Keep your damn guns and go out and play.
Senator, voting NO on common sense gun laws means you’re a piece of shit….and the shit needs to be thrown away.
The military has an industry that makes guns and planes. And guess what? they profit from war, what a charade. The biggest evil in life is when your congressman votes YES for war…just to get paid.
Billionaires and corporate spokesman, they’re relentless, pretend they’re mending fences
take advantage of the poor, economic robbery, sell deadly products without any consequences
Polluting our water with toxins……. then sit back and laugh knowing there’s no one there to stop them.
Mega-corporations and multi-Billionaires pick and choose who they support and they pay,
spending millions and millions on certain politicians to get them elected so they can force’em to say,
whatever they please, pass laws in their favor, regardless if the majority of us don’t want it that way.
It’s a disgrace.
Most corporations are ethical and honest, I won’t lie, but it only takes a few rotten apples to spoil the entire American pie.
Most Millionaires are ethical and honest, I won’t lie, but it only takes a few rotten apples in the kitchen to BURN the entire American pie.
And that’s exactly why we must fight,
with every ounce of blood, sweat and tears that I’ve cried.
To get money OUT OF POLITICS!! — and let the rotten apples meet the ethical side of a knife!
If your senator will not forcefully vote, to end all the money that flows in politics and political advertisements you know –
then that senator has been BOUGHT, corrupted and taught, they will never vote in YOUR best interest contrary to what you thought.
That same senator will have no choice but to lie in their verbiage, powerfully and sincerely, deny that their political party has been purchased.
That would immediately end their political career.
They will NEVER acknowledge these FACTS when speaking to their peers.
A YES or NO vote to end money’s control over politics is our pitch.
It’s all the proof we need to see if they’re a puppet to the rich.
No excuse you can say will make me believe,
and your refusal to vote is a confession, you see, that you’re a corrupted politician, and that’s enough for me.
A YES or NO vote to end money’s control over politics is our pitch.
It’s all the proof we need to see if they’re a puppet to the rich.
And just remember, its OUR vote that will help to decide….if a politician who has been bought will get another try.
So Force them to a public vote! Force them to a public vote – Yes or No!
Force them to a vote. Force them to a vote. Yes or No!
The proof will come to light you see ………
Because Senator, you can lie to yourself but you cannot lie to me.
– Written by Kevin Levy
© – Kevin Levy – All Rights reserved
Make your own rap song using these words. The one with the most Likes will get free Revolution Choir gear and exposure of your talent. This is a “make your own song” format. Any style, any melody, just use these lyrics. Sooo, Have fun with it.
We understand that some politicians need to fundraise and it is very true that there are honest and non-corrupt politicians who are not influenced by money. Cheers to you!! But the importance of campaign finance reform and the money that so easily flows throughout politics, and the corruption that follows needs to be addressed as if it were cancer, because like cancer it is spreading and killing.
We must end Super-PAC’s because they are not held accountable and are legally allowed to lie on TV and social media. We must end the corruption of Citizen’s United and end lobbyist influence in Politics. Have you heard about Buckley vs Valeo? Can you imagine allowing dark corporations and their secret money with hidden motives in politics. This is meant to get certain politicians elected only to make sure those secret motives become legal once those politicians get elected…it's disgusting...and happening now!
Watch this video to see why and how corruption is legal in politics. Watch this video to see how we can fix the corruption in politics.
You must confront your congressman and DEMAND that they vote in favor of the American Anti-Corruption Act. If they vote NO or a refusal to vote on the issue, that is their confession that they are a corrupt politician. Pathetic excuses will not work. NEVER VOTE FOR A POLITICIAN WHO WILL NOT VOTE IN FAVOR OF THE AMERICAN ANTI-CORRUPTION ACT. How much more simpler could this be?
Pictured below- One of the most progressive politicians in the United States, Senator Jeff Merkley hanging out with the most progressive music act in the United States, The Revolution Choir.
